A new program came to bring follower on twitter, Likes on Facebook, My Space, Like your videos on Youtube, StumbleUpon, Digg, Websites and in Google's Circle +. The program of this powerful you can use for free just by creating a new account there .
You can easily join in
YouLikeHits is a tool that will help you grow your Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Digg, StumbleUpon and Websites for FREE. We allow you to pick and choose who you want to follow, like, friend, view or visit and skip those who you're not interested in.

YouLikeHits is the #1 tool to increase your social networking presence. YouLikeHits was created on May 24th 2011. With YouLikeHits you'll get REAL twitter followers, REAL facebook likes, REAL youtube views and REAL website visits. Pick and choose who to follow, like, view and visit for targeted traffic to your social network!
How do Points work?
You will get Points from other users when you like, view or visit their content. You will then in turn set a "Payout" value for your content which will be given to users when they like, view or visit your content. Users will get 1 less Point than your set Payout. For example, if you set your Facebook Payout to 10 Points they will get 9 Points for Liking your page.
Will my Points ever be reset?
Points are reset if you don't login within 30 days.
Does YouLikeHits Auto-Post Status Updates without my permission?
No, we never auto-post anything from your accounts on any site or service.
Do you sell Followers, Likes, Views or Visits?
No, we don't sell Followers, Likes, Views or Visits.
Do you force my accounts to Like?
No. At YouLikeHits we believe that you should be in control!
I referred someone but it still says "Pending". What do I do now?
When you refer someone to YouLikeHits you will get a message in your History page saying that it's "Pending". Once the referred user becomes an active part of YouLikeHits and starts using their account frequently the message in your History page will become "Approved" and you will get your Points.
Choose a Tab above to start Following, Liking, Friending, Viewing or Visiting for Points!
To start getting Followers, Likes, Friends, Followers, Views and Hits you must have Points. You get Points by Following, Liking, Friending, Following, Viewing or Visiting other people's content in the tabs above. Once you have some points you can go to one of the "Settings" pages and add your own content. For example, if you add your Facebook Page you will then set a "Payout". The "Payout" is how much you will give to people who Like your Facebook page. The higher your Payout is the faster you will get Likes.
Follower AND LIKES
i've been here..to support you...
BalasHapusga ada buku tamu ya sob?
BalasHapusdibuat yaaaa
ga lupa saya kasih bonus tendangan maut ke iklan sobat
mohon dibalas
Trik yang luar biasa....pak..bener2 jalan web di atas..lanjutkan semoga yang lain juga merasakan manfaatnya...
BalasHapus@clickbebas Terima kasih atas kunjungan dan semua sranya..Saya juga telah mengunjungi Anda dan memberi sedikit Tendangan Mujarab...Salam sukses
BalasHapusberkunjung kesini lagi nih
BalasHapussambil nantiin,kapan ada buku tamunya
sundulannya saya setor ke mba siti n adelod,moga bermanfaat
mohon balasannya
hadir bro membalas kunjungan
BalasHapuslike tutor bro...
@clickbebas @awp @uniknya @sukses selalu
BalasHapusTunggu kedatangan saya...he..he Saya akan membalas kunjungan anda semua.
Ada-ada saja ya. Ini sangat bermanfaat untuk orang-orang yang eksis seperti saya. makasih
BalasHapustrim's infonya sobat....
BalasHapusBerkunjung sambil ngeklik iklanx sob..
BalasHapusdear friend, a new year means new hope
BalasHapusnew light, new thoughts
and new routes to their destinations. Happy Sunday
I wish you a happy new year dear friend http://www.efreepics.net/images/happy1.gif
BalasHapusdear Friend, flowers can
BalasHapusnot bloom
without the heat
the sun.
can not
People are
without the heat
of friendship. hope fine Tuesday, Dieter
mampir nih gan......salam kenal dari saya
BalasHapushadir memberi 1 komentar untuk anda.. like this artikel
BalasHapuskunjungan balik gan
BalasHapusmaaf baru berkunjung gan
saya baru blogging lagi nih
nice blog gan
i like it :D